Energy storage - Battery storage for solar cells

Maximize self-generated electricity through our advanced solar batteries and become more self-sufficient. Our partnership with GoodWe & BYD gives you total control over your electricity production and battery storage. Decide whether you want to store, consume or sell your electricity. Get started with energy storage today!

Why do I need energy storage for my solar panels?

Energy storage through solar batteries is the key to fully utilizing the power from your solar panels and your photovoltaic system. By storing excess energy in batteries, you can use the electricity when the sun is not shining, making your home or business more self-sufficient and reducing your electricity costs.

Benefits of energy storage:

  • Increasing self-sufficiency
  • Avoid paying for electricity during price spikes
  • Clean energy during power outages
  • Eco-friendly and sustainable

Solar batteries: the heart of your energy storage solution

Having a solar battery as part of, or your entire energy storage solution allows you to store excess energy from your solar cells and use it when you need it most. Our high-quality BYD solar battery storage system is designed to provide maximum efficiency and sustainability in a Nordic climate.

How does battery storage work?

1. Solar energy production with solar cells
First, the solar panels generate direct current from the sun's rays during the day.

2. Inverter conversion
This direct current is converted into usable alternating current by an inverterwhich allows for direct use of the electricity in the home.

3. Battery storage of excess electricity
The excess of the solar energy produced is then stored in the battery instead of just being wasted.

4. Electricity use at night
When the sun goes down and the solar panels are no longer generating electricity, the stored energy from the battery is used to continue supplying the home with electricity.

5. Registration of electricity
The electricity meter registers all solar energy coming in and what is sold, used and stored for further use. 

6. Electricity self-sufficiency
Battery storage makes you less dependent on the traditional grid and allows you to benefit from your self-generated electricity when it suits you best.

BYD High Voltage battery

Solar batteries for the photovoltaic system - 3 easy steps

Energy storage through batteries for homes

Energy storage through solar batteries for homes is becoming an increasingly common solution for those who want to become more self-sufficient. Not only because it is an economically favorable solution, but also because it is an environmentally friendly choice.

With a solar battery, you can store, consume and sell electricity from your solar plant however you want. So, when you look at your spot price app and see that the price peaks are in the morning and late afternoon, you can instead make use of the stored electricity produced by the PV plant during the day.

Energy storage with solar batteries for businesses

We offer customized energy storage solutions through solar batteries for businesses with benefits that go beyond standard cost savings and environmental benefits. By cutting peak costs with stored energy during peak demand, businesses can reduce their costs and improve energy management. Our modern battery storage systems are scalable and customizable, meaning they can grow with your business.

How does our battery system work?

The battery system is built on modules, which means that units are built on top of each other. This means that when you buy a PV system, you can later add more modules and thus get a larger battery storage capacity. Each battery is 2.6 kWh (2.6 thousand watt-hours) and is a lithium-iron phosphate battery with long life, efficiency and above all safety against fire.

The system also has a built-in UPS switch as standard, which automatically supplies power from the battery to the property in the event of a power failure. This means that the electricity supply will never be interrupted.

We at ZolarTech recommend that you always install battery storage for the solar cell system as it opens up a wider opportunity to be able to control your consumption and sales completely yourself.

Battery system: BYD Battery-Box System

The systems are available in an AC (BT series) and a DC version (ET series), where the DC version is for new installations of energy storage and photovoltaic systems. The AC version is for properties where there is already an existing PV installation, which you wish to supplement with battery storage.

The system is controlled by an inverter, just like a photovoltaic system without energy storage - the difference is that a hybrid inverter is installed instead, allowing the electricity to be stored in its own battery storage.

The entire energy storage system is controlled by an app for the hybrid inverter, available for both iPhone and Android. The app allows you to control the flow of energy and decide when to buy, sell or consume your self-generated electricity.

Benefits of solar batteries

  • Solar energy battery storage: Photovoltaic batteries allow you to use solar energy after the sun has set, which is perfect for charging an electric car at night.
  • Control your electricity: Choose when to use or sell surplus electricity based on your own schedule and electricity price fluctuations for a favorable sale.
  • Avoid high electricity prices: Reduce your costs by avoiding high electricity price peaks using battery storage, works particularly well with power plans.
  • Future Profitability: With a shift to power subscriptions, battery storage will become an increasingly profitable solution and contribute to long-term cost savings.

Frequently asked questions

Which solar batteries do you use?
What is the "C number" of a battery?
How much does a typical solar panel generate in Sweden?
Will batteries for solar cells be supported in 2024?
Is battery storage profitable?
How much do solar batteries cost?